Mind Blogs 1.0 (Write Wing Media, 2010)
Sunshine, rain, bombs, bridges, mothers, friends, bikes, distances —- sorrow, joy, hope, love, celebration — cheap thrills, poignant observations and an intense desire to make this world a better place, bind these pieces by three writers of diverse, yet conjoined personality. Laugh, cry, reach out… and savour those small, many times unnoticed moments through the experiences of these writers. Mind Blogs 1.0 — a collection of heartfelt ramblings from Bangalore co-authored by Nirmala Govindarajan, Zahid H Javali and Christina Daniels. Nirmala has also conceptualised this concept, and hopes to, along with her co-authors, grow Mind Blogs into a series.
In Praise of Mind Blogs
Pioneering a new art form (blog to book). And, Bangalore style, it’s a ‘one-by-three’ production.
Peter Colaco (late), author of the bestselling book ‘Bangalore Through The Century…’
This is a special book of brilliant stories written by the angels who visit here
…Nirmala’s eloquence and poignant simplicity bring out those tiny things that make life so interesting
…Surprise, and a cute story with every cup of coffee…
Prem Koshy, restaurateur and renowned theatre person.
Press on Mind Blogs